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Д-р Кирилл Иванов

Д-р Кирилл Иванов

Уролог, андролог

Опытный уролог, специализирующийся на диагностике рака простаты и почек, а также лечении нарушений потенции. Консультирует пациентов нашей клиники с 2016 года. Проводит диагностику больных раком простаты, используя классические методы диагностики рака простаты и почек, консультирует пациентов по выбору методов лечения и возможным побочным эффектам. Также консультирует пациентов по вопросам потенции и других урологических заболеваний. Проводит минимально инвазивные урологические процедуры, в том числе биопсии почек и простаты, а также ультрасонографические обследования таза.


  • В 1996 году закончил Латвийскую медицинскую академию, получив диплом врача
  • В 2001 окончена резидентура в урологии
  • В 2007 освоил ультрасонографию, получив сертификат специальности.

Другие практические обучения

  • С 2018 года Fellow of Marter in Clinical Andrology at Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain
  • 2018,“Ureteroscopy with flexible ureteroscope” at the 15th Congress of the European Assotiation of Urology (Brussels, Belgium)
  • 2017, Oct. ISRS organized Educational Course: SRS/SRT in management of intracranial schwannomas, skull base tumors and genito-urinary cancers (Sigulda, Latvia)
  • 2017, Sep. EAA summer school: Testis Histology and Pathology for Clinical Andrologists and Embryologists (Zagreb, Croatia)
  • 2017, Jul. 33th ESHRE Congress (Geneva, Switzerland)
2017, Jun. ESU Masterclasss on Urolithiasis (Patras, Greece)
  • 2017, May. 4th Baltic Meeting in conjunction with EAU (Vilnius, Lithuania)
2016, Dec. ESU Masterclass on Focal Therapy of Prostate Cancer (Paris, France)
2016, Nov. 3rd ESU Masterclass on Lasers in Urology (Barcelona, Spain)
2016, Sep. European Congress of Andrology (Rotterdam, The Netherlands)
  • 2016, Jul, 32th ESHRE Congress (Helsinki, Finland)
  • 2016, May, “Future fertility for the male child and adolescent with cancer: best practice, research breakthroughs and current dilemmas” ESHRE Conference (Muenster, Germany)
  • 2016, Apr, “Male subfertility” European Academy of Andrology organized Course (Malmo, Sweden)
2015, Nov, European Academy of Andrology organized Course on Ultrasound of Male Genital Tract – theoretical part (Florence, Italy). Practical part had been conducted in summer – fall of 2016
2015, Oct, 71th ASRM Congress (Baltimore, MD, USA)
  • 2015, Sep, 24th Summer School of European Academy of Andrology (Muenster, Germany)
  • 2014, Oct, European Congress of Andrology (Barselona, Spain)
  • 2014, Sep, Male Infertility Microsurgical Trainig Course at Cornell Institute for Reproductive Medicine (New York city, NY, USA)
  • 2014, Jul, EAU organized Summer school “Infections in Andrology” (Giessen, Germany)
  • 2014, May, 18th European Testis Workshop (Helsingor, Denmark)
  • 2014, May, Congress “EUROSON – 2014″ (Tel Aviv, Israel)
  • 2014, April, 29th Congress of European Association of Urology (Stockholm, Sweden)
  • 2013, May, 8th Baltic Urological Conference (Tartu, Estonia)
  • 2011, October, 31st Congress of the SIU (Berlin, Germany)
2011, June 7th Baltic Urological Conference (Liepaja, Latvia)
  • 2010, September, 4th North Eastern European Meeting (Riga, Latvia)
2010, May, “Advances in Prostate Health” – 4th Annual Urological Conference (Budapest, Hungary)
  • 2009, March, 24th Congress of European Association of Urology (Stockholm, Sweden)
  • 2009, March, Postgraduate courses: “The infertile couple – urological aspects”, “Ultrasound for the urologist – TRUS and TRUS guided biopsies”, “Metastatic prostate cancer”, “Prostate cancer – screening, diagnosis and staging”, “Office management of male sexual dysfunction” at the time of the 24th Annual EAU Congress (Stockholm, Sweden)
  • 2009, March, 6th International Congress of Andrology (Barcelona, Spain)
2009, January, 6th International Meeting of the European Society Oncological Urology (Istanbul, Turkey)
  • 2008, November, “Advances in Prostate Health” – Urology Conference (Larnaca, Cyprus)
  • 2008, June 2nd Annual European Perspectives in Urologic Oncology (Prague, Czech Republic)
  • 2008, June, Congress “EUROSON – 2008” (Timisoara, Romania)
  • 2007, December, “Advances in Prostate Health” – Urology Conference (Bratislava, Slovakia)
  • 2007, October, Congress “EUROSON – 2007” (Leipzig, Germany)
  • 2007, September EAU 1st North Eastern European meeting (Tampere, Finland)
  • 2007, June. 5th Baltic Urological Conference (Tallinn, Estonia)
  • 2006, April. 21th Congress of the European Assotiation of Urology (Paris, France)
2005, June. ESU regional meeting for Urologist of Baltic states (Riga, Latvia)
  • 2004, November, Course “Laparoscopy in Urology” (Bydgoscz, Poland)
  • 2003, October, ESU regional meeting for Urologists of Baltic States (Vilnius, Lithuania)
  • 2001, September, 6th Annual European Course of Urology (Rome, Italy)
  • 2001, May, ESU regional meeting for Urologists of Baltic States (Tallinn, Estonia)
  • 2000, October, Salzburg Medical Seminar (Salzburg, Austria)
  • 2000, September. ESU organized Course of Andrology (St. Petersburg, Russia)
  • 2000, September, Course of Andrology (St. Petersburg, Russia)
  • 2000, April Postgraduate courses: “Practical Urodynamics”, “Laparoscopy for beginners”
  • 2000, March “Testicular germ cell tumors” educational seminar (Moscow, Russia)
  • 1999,September4 Annual European Course of Urology (Rome, Italy)
1999, January Statistical processing of information by computer (Riga, Latvia).

Опыт работы

Профессиональную деятельность как врач начал в 1997 году, работая урологом в разных лечебных учреждениях Латвии в Риге и Валмиере.

С 2013 года специализируется на лечении мужского бесплодия и нарушений эректильной дисфункции

С 2016 года консультирует пациентов урологии в Центре радиохирургии Сигулдской больницы.

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