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What is needed to start treatment with Cyberknife?

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What is needed to start treatment with Cyberknife?

Cyberknife is a technology that can effectively treat benign and malignant lesions in the diameter of three to five centimeters, as well as separate tumour metastases no larger than four centimeters. The treatment method to be applied also depends on such factors as the body part the tumour is located in, and how distinct is its shape. In order to determine whether stereotactic radiosurgery is suitable for a patient, it is necessary to carry out several health tests appointed by a medical professional. After a careful examination of tests and analyses, an individual treatment plan is created, which sets a precise dose of radiation, taking into consideration the tissue and organs located near the tumour.

A medical report is required in order to be able to use Cyberknife as a treatment method. In case of a non-oncological disease, a treating doctor’s report is required; in case of a tumour – a report by the Oncology Council, as well as a statement from the patient’s medical history. A precise diagnosis can be determined and treatment data can be collected by doing visual examinations – computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET-CT).

Computed tomography is a radiology examination method, during which about a thousand cross-sectional images of the relevant organ are taken with the help of the X-ray radiation. After the images are digitally processed, it is possible to obtain clear three-dimensional images and reconstruct them in other planes, thus determining a precise location, development stage and spread of the tumour. Computed tomography is used to examine the brain, nasal sinuses, soft tissue of the neck, blood vessels, spine, bones of the limbs and joints, organs of the abdomen and pelvis, as well as the lung organs.

Magnetic resonance imaging uses a powerful magnetic field and radio waves. This method provides high definition cross-sectional images of the organ or body part. Since this kind of examination shows a clear contrast between the healthy and damaged tissue, in some cases magnetic resonance imaging provides a more accurate and extensive examination result than computed tomography. Current state-of-art devices ensure the quickest possible examination while keeping the same high quality, which is essential in cases when the patient suffers from claustrophobia or feels discomfort in closed rooms.

During positron emission tomography / computed tomography two essential examinations are carried out at the same time, which provides three different images. The results of computed tomography provide a clear image of the respective organ to determine the size and location of the tumour; but positron emission tomography illuminates the tumour cells and metabolism or biochemical activity in the organism. The combination of both images provides an accurate and comprehensive information about the tumour, including detailed data on the functional nature of tumour cells, not only determining activity, but also whether the lesion is benign or malignant. Due to the precise technology and professional research methods, PET-CT results allow to discover tumours, their metastases or recurrent cancer significantly faster than using the classic examination methods.

During a PET-CT examination, a special preparation is injected, which, combined with glucose, provides information on which body cells are the most active sugar consumers. While the preparation spreads in the patient’s body, it is possible to reveal malignant cells that constantly grow and consume additional energy. The results of the examination show a clear contrast between the damaged and healthy cells allowing to protect the healthy tissue during the treatment process.

Cells of certain tumours, such as prostate carcinoma, do not consume glucose, therefore other preparations like choline and gallium are used when examining this organ. Gallium-68 is considered to be the most effective for prostate cancer diagnostics. Due to its unique properties, it does not bind to any inflammatory receptor in the body, except for prostate tumour cells. They can detect not only new formations, but also successfully find metastases still at their early stage.

If you have done all the tests and analyses needed, send your medical examination results to our specialists for assessment!

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